Have you always wanted to try meditation? Have you tried to meditate and found that you couldn’t sit still long enough to gain any benefits?

What if you could learn to meditate easily and effortlessly wherever you are and with no need of outside help?

Repeating a mantra allows the mind to settle. The mantra is a vibration which has no meaning to trap the mind into associating it with more and more thoughts. It truly allows the mind to be at peace. This peace of the mind allows the body to repair itself. Regeneration occurs at the cellular level.

Relationships begin to have more ease. We develop stronger mental focus, which allows us to function more efficiently. We begin more and more to realize our dreams. We become reacquainted with our true selves. We begin to experience our boundless nature. Higher states of consciousness slowly become available to us and gradually become more and more permanently established.

My Meditation Story:

I remember the day I received my Transcendental Meditation mantra, September 6, 1985.  I remember because this day marked the beginning of a new life for me, one where I would become more and more conscious and grateful for life.  Everything began to change.  My feeling of being stuck in old patterns began to unravel.  I found greater inner strength and a sense of intense gratitude and purpose. 

I decided to become a meditation teacher and completed a 3-month in-residence course as part one of teacher training.  Then my singing career and also my private life expanded and became more of a life I loved.  Interestingly, the expansion of my professional life and my personal life which meditation had facilitated distracted me from the rest of the teacher training program.  For years I kept thinking that I had ignored and thrown away the calling to share this magnificent gift of meditation. 

Then on one magical day I discovered that I still had a chance.  I could become a Deepak Chopra certified Primordial Sound Meditation instructor.  I had read and listened to Dr. Chopra’s books and recordings and had even received a mantra from him years before. I was overjoyed and called the Chopra Foundation.  A year later I received my certification.  I am thrilled and humbled to be able to facilitate this wonderful course and to offer the gift of mantra meditation to as many people as possible, knowing as I do that it will change people’s lives in ways they could not even dream of.